世上的爱无处不在,有一种爱叫作“被关怀”。 在山东省邹平县西董街道南部山区的上回村,村民们就经常“被关怀”着。而关怀他们的,是由一群护士和大夫组成的志愿者…… 2014年11月,邹平县人民医院的医务工作者自发成立了“大爱志愿者联盟”。在得知县内海拔最高的上回村内71岁的老村医由舜华仍然在坚守岗位,兢兢业业地为村内500多名村民巡回治病时,他们深受感动。他们主动联系上由舜华,并提出和她结成对子,每月定期到村内协助她为村民们看病、检查身体。这个计划被他们取名为“大爱制高点”志愿服务。 从此,大爱志愿者联盟与上回村村医和村民的故事就开始了…… 不管是联盟里的大夫还是护士,只要有空余的时间,便会到山村为村民看病。山村卫生室就是他们的爱心服务点,从基础的血压、血糖测量,到眼底、风湿、心脏的检查,只要是村民有需求,他们就设法满足,并帮助检查出的白内障以及心血管病等大病隐患的村民及时到医院进行治疗。全村共有500多口人,一年多的时间,每个人都得到细致入微的检查。志愿者们还细心地为村民建立健康档案,这使得因山村交通不便和医疗力量不足给村民带来的看病难问题得到有效解决。村庄里的老人们纷纷称赞说:“志愿者们对我们太好了,现在大家看病方便多了!” 目前,志愿者已经为检查出眼科、四肢患病的村民进行了10多例手术,近百名潜在病患者得到及时的治疗,服务的范围也辐射到周边多个村庄。 医者,仁也。大爱志愿者联盟用仁心仁术为村民撑起了健康伞,给山村送去爱的关怀。截至目前,他们的队伍人数已经发展到570多名,越来越多的人加入到了爱的行列。 ○ 1、“大爱志愿者”帮助村民来医院做检查。“Great Love Volunteers” help villagers to reach hospital for examination. ○ 2、志愿者在村内检查出患病的村民,会及时帮助他们到医院就诊。If any villager is diagnosed with a disease in the village, the volunteers will help them to reach hospital for treatment in a timely manner. ○ 3、村民们得到了细致入微地检查。The villagers have been checked in vivid detail. ○ 4、志愿者定期为村民检查身体。Villagers' physical examinations are made by the volunteers at regular intervals. ○ 村医由舜华(右)带领志愿者在村内巡诊。You Shunhua (fi rst right), village doctor, leads the volunteers to make a round of visits in the village. In Shanghui Village, in the southern mountain area, on Xidong Street, Zouping Count y, Shandong Province, the villagers often“get care” from a group of volunteers consisting of the nurses and doctors in Zouping County People's Hospital. As long as they have spare time, the volunteers will go to the mountain village to treat diseases for villagers. With the village health center as acharity service point, from basicblood pressure and blood glucosemeasurement to the examination of eye disease, rheumatism and heart, as long as the villagers have a requirement, they will try to meet it. At present, the villagers have carried out more than 10 operations for the patients diagnosed with eye diseases or extremities diseases, nearly a hundred patients with latent diseases have received treatment in a timely manner, and their service scope has been radiated to a number of surrounding villages. With benevolent minds and hearts, the Great Love Volunteers' League holds up a health umbrella for the villagers and delivers care to the mountain villages. So far, the number of their team has been developed to over 570. More and more people have joined the team in passing on benevolence.